Company Profile

To demonstrate our firm commitment to Safety, health, Environment and Quality, we shall:

  • Establish appropriate management system that are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 complaint to minimise risk and duty of care
    • By prevention of pollution and envronmental degradation
    • By conducting performance monitoring and measurement
  • Comply with applicable legislative and other requirement Airbag Repair Centre subscribers to
  • Address the need an expectations of our customers and stakeholder
  • Ensure that SHEQ is an integral part of our operation and that no operating, condition, or urgency of services, justifies exposing anyone to negative risks arising out of Airbag Repairs Centre business, causing an incident or damage to the environment
  • Appraise our SHEQ performance with the objective of continuous improvement
  • Ensure that SHEQ objectives are established and periodically reviewed
  • Promote on-and-off-the-job SHEQ practices for all our employees
  • Engage stakeholders, by prompting open communication and educating,training, motivating, and developing them on requirement of SHEQ
  • Ensure that our suppliers and service providers integrate SHEQ issues into their operations
  • Conduct Airbag Repairs Centre business with respect and care for people and the environment
  • Ensure that SHEQ objectives and criteria are entrenched in Airbag Repairs Centre procurement and investment strategies, governance, and decision-making process
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Compliance with the SHEQ policy will facilitate the achievement of Airbag Repairs Centre strategic objectives and shall be the responsibility of every employee.


Mission of Airbag Repairs to provide personal vehicle owners and business owner’s knowledge that fulfills their want and needs at the right price. Our friendly, knowledgeable and professional staff will help inspire, educate and problem solve for our customers.